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Laurence MorganAbout 3 min


Expressions: mathematical, string comparisons, logical operators


expr is the underlying builtin which handles all expression parsing and evaluation in Murex. Though typically that would happen transparently without you having to explicit call expr.

For a full list of operators supported exclusively in expression, see the last section in this document.


expression -> <stdout>

statement (expression)

expr expression -> <stdout>



» 3 * (3 + 1)

Statements with inlined expressions:

Any parameter surrounded by parenthesis is first evaluated as an expression, then as a string.

» out (3 * 2)

Expressions with inlined statements:

Functions can be inlined as a statement using function(parameters...) syntax.

» datetime(--in {now} --out {unix}) / 60

Please note that currently the only functions supported are ones who's names are comprised entirely of alpha, numeric, underscore and/or exclamation marks.

JSON array:

» %[apples oranges grapes]


Order of Operations

The order of operations follows the same rules as the C programming language, which itself is an extension of the order of operations in mathematics, often referred to as PEMDAS or MODMAS (read moreopen in new window).

The Wikipedia articleopen in new window summarises that order succinctly however the detailed specification is defined by its implementation, as seen in the code below:

package expressions

import (


func (tree *ParserT) executeExpr() (*primitives.DataType, error) {
	err := tree.validateExpression(true)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for i := range orderOfOperations {
		err = executeExpression(tree, orderOfOperations[i])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if len(tree.ast) > 1 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf(
			"expression failed to execute correctly (AST results > 1).\n%s",

	return tree.ast[0].dt, nil

// To allow for extendability and developer expectations, the order of operations
// will follow what is defined by (for example) C, as outlined in the following:
// Not all operations will be available in murex and some are likely to be added
// in future versions of this package.
// Please also note that the slice below is just defining the groupings. Each
// operator within the _same_ group will then be processed from left to right.
// Read the `executeExpression` function further down this source file to view
// every supported operator
var orderOfOperations = []symbols.Exp{
	// 01. Function call, scope, array/member access
	// 02. (most) unary operators, sizeof and type casts (right to left)
	// 03. Multiplication, division, modulo

	// 04. Addition and subtraction

	// 05. Bitwise shift left and right
	// 06. Comparisons: less-than and greater-than

	// 07. Comparisons: equal and not equal

	// 08. Bitwise AND
	// 09. Bitwise exclusive OR (XOR)
	// 10. Bitwise inclusive (normal) OR
	// 11. Logical AND

	// 12. Logical OR

	// 13. Conditional expression (ternary)

	// 14. Assignment operators (right to left)

	// 15. Comma operator

func executeExpression(tree *ParserT, order symbols.Exp) (err error) {
	for tree.astPos = 0; tree.astPos < len(tree.ast); tree.astPos++ {
		node := tree.ast[tree.astPos]

		if node.key < order {

		switch node.key {

		// 15. Comma operator
		// 14. Assignment operators (right to left)
		case symbols.Assign:
			err = expAssign(tree, true)
		case symbols.AssignUpdate:
			err = expAssign(tree, false)
		case symbols.AssignAndAdd:
			err = expAssignAdd(tree)
		case symbols.AssignAndSubtract:
			err = expAssignAndOperate(tree, _assSub)
		case symbols.AssignAndDivide:
			err = expAssignAndOperate(tree, _assDiv)
		case symbols.AssignAndMultiply:
			err = expAssignAndOperate(tree, _assMulti)
		case symbols.AssignAndMerge:
			err = expAssignMerge(tree)

		// 13. Conditional expression (ternary)
		case symbols.NullCoalescing:
			err = expNullCoalescing(tree)
		case symbols.Elvis:
			err = expElvis(tree)

		// 12. Logical OR
		case symbols.LogicalOr:
			err = expLogicalOr(tree)

		// 11. Logical AND
		case symbols.LogicalAnd:
			err = expLogicalAnd(tree)

		// 10. Bitwise inclusive (normal) OR
		// 09. Bitwise exclusive OR (XOR)
		// 08. Bitwise AND
		// 07. Comparisons: equal and not equal
		case symbols.EqualTo:
			err = expEqualTo(tree)
		case symbols.NotEqualTo:
			err = expNotEqualTo(tree)
		case symbols.Like:
			err = expLike(tree, true)
		case symbols.NotLike:
			err = expLike(tree, false)
		case symbols.Regexp:
			err = expRegexp(tree, true)
		case symbols.NotRegexp:
			err = expRegexp(tree, false)

		// 06. Comparisons: less-than and greater-than
		case symbols.GreaterThan:
			err = expGtLt(tree, _gtF, _gtS)
		case symbols.GreaterThanOrEqual:
			err = expGtLt(tree, _gtEqF, _gtEqS)
		case symbols.LessThan:
			err = expGtLt(tree, _ltF, _ltS)
		case symbols.LessThanOrEqual:
			err = expGtLt(tree, _ltEqF, _ltEqS)

		// 05. Bitwise shift left and right
		// 04. Addition and subtraction
		case symbols.Add:
			err = expAdd(tree)
		case symbols.Subtract:
			err = expSubtract(tree)
		case symbols.MergeInto:
			err = expMergeInto(tree)

		// 03. Multiplication, division, modulo
		case symbols.Multiply:
			err = expMultiply(tree)
		case symbols.Divide:
			err = expDivide(tree)

		// 02. (most) unary operators, sizeof and type casts (right to left)
		// 01. Function call, scope, array/member access

			err = raiseError(tree.expression, node, 0, fmt.Sprintf(
				"no code written to handle symbol (%s)",

		if err != nil {
			return err

		tree.astPos = 0

	return nil

See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/expressions/expressions_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan