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/ Division Operator

Laurence MorganLess than 1 minute

/ Division Operator

Divides one numeric value from another (expression)


The Division Operator divides the left hand number by the right hand number in an expression.



» 3/2


out (3/2)
» 1.5


Type Safety

Because shells are historically untyped, you cannot always guarantee that a numeric-looking value isn't a string. To solve this problem, by default Murex assumes anything that looks like a number is a number when performing addition.

» str = "2"
» int = 3
» $str + $int

For occasions when type safety is more important than the convenience of silent data casting, you can disable the above behaviour via config (read more):

» config set proc strict-types true
» $str + $int
Error in `expr` (0,1): cannot Add with string types
                     > Expression: $str + $int
                     >           : ^
                     > Character : 1
                     > Symbol    : Scalar
                     > Value     : '$str'

See Also

This document was generated from gen/expr/division-op_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan