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Laurence MorganLess than 1 minute


Alters the data-type of the previous function without altering its output


cast alters the data-type annotation for a pipe.

The contents of the pipeline are preserved, only the reported data-type is changed.

Additionally cast can be used to define the output type of a function.


Changing type annotation for a pipe

<stdin> -> cast data-type -> <stdout>

<stdin> :data-type: command

Defining the output type of a function

cast data-type


As a command

» out {"Array":[1,2,3],"Map":{"String": "Foobar","Number":123.456}} \
  -> cast json
{"Array":[1,2,3],"Map":{"String": "Foobar","Number":123.456}}

As a token

» out {"Array":[1,2,3],"Map":{"String": "Foobar","Number":123.456}} \
  -> :json: cat
{"Array":[1,2,3],"Map":{"String": "Foobar","Number":123.456}}

Defining data-type

» function example {
    cast json
    out '{"foo": "bar"}'

» example -> debug -> [[ /Data-Type/Murex ]]

Please note you'd normally use the Object Builder to create JSON objects.


If you want to reformat the stdin into the new data type then use format instead.

See Also

  • %{} Object Builder: Quickly generate objects (dictionaries / maps)
  • format: Reformat one data-type into another data-type
  • out: Print a string to the stdout with a trailing new line character
  • tout: Print a string to the stdout and set it's data-type

This document was generated from builtins/core/typemgmt/types_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence Morgan,Laurence