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Laurence MorganAbout 2 min

Supported Platforms

The following is a list of platforms Murex has been tested on and the level of support it has:


The shell has been extensively tested across a number of distributions. There are no known distribution specific issues.

macOS (Darwin)

All features work aside alt-hotkeys.

Both x86 (Intel) and ARM (Apple Silicon, eg M2 et al) architectures are supported.


Windows is supported there are a few known issue with the way how Windows internals are built. These cannot be easily worked around:

  • Windows doesn't decouple the terminal emulator and the shell Which means you cannot rely upon stdin working as expected (eg some commands don't read input from stdin but instead poll the terminal emulator directly)

  • Windows sends parameters as a single string rather than an array of string. This is to retain backwards compatibility with DOS but it breaks the way how quotation marks and escaping works. Murex will compile an array of parameters based on the quotation strings (there are 3 different types of quotations in Murex), infixed variables, sub-shells, etc. These would not be honoured by any Windows commands because every Windows application then has to handle how the one long string of parameters is chopped up into different arguments; how quotation marks are handles, spaces, escaping, etc. This means there is no standard so one command might handle spaces correctly but another wouldn't.

  • Job control (bg, ^z, fg, etc) isn't supported because Windows doesn't have an equivalent of the SIGSTSP (etc) POSIX signals.

  • There is also the caveat that without a broad range of command line utilities (eg GNU coreutils) the usefulness of Murex is seriously diminished. You can mitigate this by installing MSYS2open in new window or Cygwinopen in new window.


FreeBSD is officially supported and tested by the community.


FreeBSD is officially supported and tested by the community.


FreeBSD is officially supported and tested by the community.


FreeBSD is officially supported and tested by the community.

Plan 9

Plan 9 is included as part of the automated built tests however no functional tests have been run.

If you do happen to run into any such bugs then I do welcome pull requests.

Feature wise, job control isn't supported in Plan 9 because Plan 9 doesn't support all of the required signals. All other functions are expected to work.

Other CPU architectures

Several CPU architectures are supported:

  • 386 (x86 32bit)
  • AMD64 (x86 64bit)
  • ARMv7 (32bit)
  • ARMv8 (64bit)

See Also

This document was generated from gen/root/supported-platforms_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan