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Laurence MorganLess than 1 minute


Execute a block of code, always returning a zero exit number


unsafe is similar to normal execution except that the exit number for the last function in the unsafe block is ignored. unsafe always returns 0.

This is useful in any situations where you might want errors ignored.


unsafe { code-block } -> <stdout>

<stdin> -> unsafe { -> code-block } -> <stdout>


try {
    unsafe { err "foobar" }
    out "This message still displays because the error is inside an `unsafe` block"

See Also

  • Schedulers: Overview of the different schedulers (or 'run modes') in Murex
  • catch: Handles the exception code raised by try or trypipe
  • fid-list: Lists all running functions within the current Murex session
  • if: Conditional statement to execute different blocks of code depending on the result of the condition
  • runmode: Alter the scheduler's behaviour at higher scoping level
  • switch: Blocks of cascading conditionals
  • try: Handles non-zero exits inside a block of code
  • tryerr: Handles errors inside a block of code
  • trypipe: Checks for non-zero exits of each function in a pipeline
  • trypipeerr: Checks state of each function in a pipeline and exits block on error

This document was generated from builtins/core/structs/try_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan