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Try Block (try)

Laurence MorganAbout 1 minBuiltin CommandsError Handling

Try Block (try)

Handles non-zero exits inside a block of code


try forces a different execution behavior where a failed process at the end of a pipeline will cause the block to terminate regardless of any functions that might follow.

It's usage is similar to try blocks in other languages (eg Java) but a closer functional example would be set -e in Bash.

To maintain concurrency within the pipeline, try will only check the last function in any given pipeline (ie series of functions joined via |, ->, or similar operators). If you need the entire pipeline checked then use trypipe.


try { code-block } -> <stdout>

<stdin> -> try { -> code-block } -> <stdout>


try {
    out "Hello, World!" -> grep: "non-existent string"
    out "This command will be ignored"


A failure is determined by:

  • Any process that returns a non-zero exit number

You can see which run mode your functions are executing under via the fid-list command.

See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/structs/try_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence Morgan,Laurence,Olivier Refalo