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Shell Runtime (runtime)

Laurence MorganAbout 4 minBuiltin CommandsShell / Murex Management

Shell Runtime (runtime)

Returns runtime information on the internal state of Murex


runtime is a tool for querying the internal state of Murex. It's output will be JSON dumps.


runtime flags -> <stdout>

builtins is an alias for runtime --builtins:

builtins -> <stdout>


List all the builtin data-types that support WriteArray()

» runtime --writearray

List all the functions

» runtime --functions -> [ agent aliases ]
        "Block": "\n    # Launch ssh-agent\n    ssh-agent -\u003e head -n2 -\u003e [ :0 ] -\u003e prefix \"export \" -\u003e source\n    ssh-add: @{g \u003c!null\u003e ~/.ssh/*.key} @{g \u003c!null\u003e ~/.ssh/*.pem}\n",
        "FileRef": {
            "Column": 1,
            "Line": 149,
            "Source": {
                "DateTime": "2019-07-07T14:06:11.05581+01:00",
                "Filename": "/home/lau/.murex_profile",
                "Module": "profile/.murex_profile"
        "Summary": "Launch ssh-agent"
        "Block": "\n\t# Output the aliases in human readable format\n\truntime --aliases -\u003e formap name alias {\n        $name -\u003e sprintf \"%10s =\u003e ${esccli @alias}\\n\"\n\t} -\u003e cast str\n",
        "FileRef": {
            "Column": 1,
            "Line": 6,
            "Source": {
                "DateTime": "2019-07-07T14:06:10.886706796+01:00",
                "Filename": "(builtin)",
                "Module": "source/builtin"
        "Summary": "Output the aliases in human readable format"

To get a list of every flag supported by runtime

runtime --help

Please also note that you can supply more than one flag. However when you do use multiple flags the top level of the JSON output will be a map of the flag names. eg

» runtime --pipes --tests
    "pipes": [
    "tests": {
        "state": {},
        "test": []

» runtime --pipes

» runtime --tests
    "state": {},
    "test": []


  • --about Returns debugging information about the Murex executable. Such as compiler flags and resource utilization
  • --aliases Lists all aliases
  • --autocomplete Lists all autocomplete schemas - both user defined and automatically generated ones
  • --builtins Lists all builtin commands, compiled into Murex
  • --cache Returns a complete dump of everything in the local cache as well as cache DB (if compiled with persistent sqlite3 cache support)
  • --cache-db-enabled Returns boolean value stating if the cache DB is enabled
  • --cache-db-path Returns a string representation of the cache DB path (or a zero length string if cache DB support is not compiled)
  • --cache-namespaces Lists namespaces in cache
  • --clear-cache Clears all items from both the local cache and cache DB. Returns all items removed
  • --config Lists all properties available to config
  • --debug Outputs the state of debug mode
  • --event-types Lists all builtin event types
  • --events Lists all builtin event types and any defined events
  • --exports Outputs environmental variables
  • --fids Lists all running processes / functions
  • --functions Lists all Murex global functions
  • --globals Lists all global variables
  • --go-gc Forces the Go runtime to run its garbage collection and then deallocate any free memory
  • --help Outputs a list of runtimes's flags
  • --indexes Lists all builtin data-types which are supported by index ([)
  • --integrations Lists all compiled integrations
  • --marshallers Lists all builtin data-types with marshallers (eg required for format)
  • --memstats Outputs the running state of Go's runtime
  • --methods Lists all commands with a defined stdout and stdin data type. This is used to generate smarter autocompletion suggestions with ->
  • --modules Lists all installed modules
  • --named-pipes Lists all named pipes defined
  • --not-indexes Lists all builtin data-types which are supported by not-index (![)
  • --open-agents Lists all registered open handlers (defined with openagent)
  • --pipes Lists builtin pipes compiled into Murex. These can be then be defined as named-pipes
  • --privates Lists all Murex private functions
  • --readarray Lists all builtin data-types which support ReadArray()
  • --readarraywithtype Lists all builtin data-types which support ReadArrayWithType()
  • --readmap Lists all builtin data-types which support ReadMap()
  • --sources Lists all loaded murex sources
  • --summaries Outputs all the override summaries
  • --test-results A dump of any unreported test results
  • --tests Lists defined tests
  • --trim-cache Clears out-of-date items from both the local cache and cache DB. Returns all items removed
  • --unmarshallers Lists all builtin data-types with unmarshallers (eg required for format)
  • --variables Lists all local variables (excludes environmental and global variables)
  • --writearray Lists all builtin data-types which support WriteArray()


Usage in scripts

runtime should not be used in scripts because the output of runtime may be subject to change as and when the internal mechanics of Murex change. The purpose behind runtime is not to provide an API but rather to provide a verbose "dump" of the internal running state of Murex.

If you require a stable API to script against then please use the respective command line tool. For example fid-list instead of runtime --fids. Some tools will provide a human readable output when stdout is a TTY but output a script parsable version when stdout is not a terminal.

» fid-list
    FID   Parent    Scope  State         Run Mode  BG   Out Pipe    Err Pipe    Command     Parameters
      0        0        0  Executing     Shell     no                           -murex
 265499        0        0  Executing     Normal    no   out         err         fid-list

» fid-list -> pretty
        "FID": 0,
        "Parent": 0,
        "Scope": 0,
        "State": "Executing",
        "Run Mode": "Shell",
        "BG": false,
        "Out Pipe": "",
        "Err Pipe": "",
        "Command": "-murex",
        "Parameters": ""
        "FID": 265540,
        "Parent": 0,
        "Scope": 0,
        "State": "Executing",
        "Run Mode": "Normal",
        "BG": false,
        "Out Pipe": "out",
        "Err Pipe": "err",
        "Command": "fid-list",
        "Parameters": ""
        "FID": 265541,
        "Parent": 0,
        "Scope": 0,
        "State": "Executing",
        "Run Mode": "Normal",
        "BG": false,
        "Out Pipe": "out",
        "Err Pipe": "err",
        "Command": "pretty",
        "Parameters": ""

File reference

Some of the JSON dumps produced from runtime will include a map called FileRef. This is a trace of the source file that defined it. It is used by Murex to help provide meaningful errors (eg with line and character positions) however it is also useful for manually debugging user-defined properties such as which module or script defined an autocomplete schema.

Debug mode

When debug is enabled garbage collection is disabled for variables and FIDs. This means the output of runtime --variables and runtime --fids will contain more than just the currently defined variables and running functions.


  • runtime
  • builtins
  • shell.runtime

See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/runtime/runtime_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence Morgan,Laurence