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Murex Package Management (murex-package)

Laurence MorganAbout 2 minBuiltin CommandsShell / Murex Management

Murex Package Management (murex-package)

Murex's package manager


Murex comes with it's own package manager to make managing plugins easier.

The format of the packages is a directory, typically located at ~/.murex_modules, which contains one or more murex scripts. Each script can be it's own module. ie there are multiple modules that can be grouped together and distributed as a single package.

The way packages and modules are represented is as a path: package/module

murex-package is a package management tool for administrating murex modules and packages.

NameSummary autojump functionalities - The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt
and many moreopen in new windowMurex modules typically follow the murex-module-* naming convention


Install a new package

murex-package install uri -> <stdout>

Remove an existing package

murex-package remove package -> <stdout>

Update all packages

murex-package update -> <stdout>

Enable a package or module which had been disabled

murex-package enable package

murex-package enable package/module

Disable a package

murex-package disable package

murex-package disable package/module

Import packages from another package database

murex-package import [ uri/ | local/path/ ]packages.json -> <stdout>

Check status of murex packages

murex-package status -> <stdout>


  • cd Changes working directory to a package's install location
  • disable Disables a previously enabled package or module
  • enable Enables a previously disabled package or module
  • git Runs git against a package
  • import Import packages described in a backup package DB from user defined URI or local path
  • install Installs a package from a user defined URI
  • list Returns a list of indexed packages/modules (eg what's enabled or disabled)
  • new A wizard to help with creating a new package
  • reload Reloads all enabled modules
  • remove Removes an installed package from disk
  • status Returns the version status of locally installed packages
  • update Updates all installed packages


murex-package list... enabled vs loaded

enabled and disabled reads the package status from disk rather than the package cache in your current Murex session (like runtime reports). This because the typical use for murex-package list enabled|disabled is to view which packages and modules will be loaded with any new murex session.

If you wish to view what modules are loaded in a current session then use murex-package list loaded instead. This is also equivalent to using runtime --modules.


  • murex-package

See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/modules/murex-package_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence Morgan,Laurence