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Laurence MorganLess than 1 minute


Returns character sequences for any key pressed (ie sent from the terminal)


key-code is a tool used for querying what byte sequence the terminal emulator


key-code -> <stdout>

<stdin> -> key-code -> <stdout>


Typical use case

» key-code
Press any key to print its escape constants...

...then press [f9] and key-code returns...

ANSI Constants:   {F9}
Byte Sequence:    %[27 91 50 48 126]
Contains Unicode: false

As a method

» tout str '{ESC}[20~' -> key-code
ANSI Constants:   {F9}
Byte Sequence:    %[27 91 50 48 126]
Contains Unicode: false



If stdout is not a TTY then only the thing written is the ANSI Constant. This is so that it can be used as a variable. eg

key-code -> set $key

event onKeyPress close=$key {

See Also

  • ANSI Constants: Infixed constants that return ANSI escape sequences
  • event: Event driven programming for shell scripts
  • onKeyPress: Custom definable key bindings and macros
  • tout: Print a string to the stdout and set it's data-type

This document was generated from builtins/events/onKeyPress/keycodes_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan