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Laurence MorganLess than 1 minute


Outputs a man page summary of a command


man-summary reads the man pages for a given command(s) and outputs it's summary (if one exists).


man-summary command [ commands ] -> <stdout>


» man-summary man 
man - an interface to the on-line reference manuals


man-summary can take multiple parameters and will return the summary for each command. If any commands have no summaries, then the exit number will be incremented. In the example below, two parameters had no associated man page:

» man-summary aa ab ac ad ae
aa - Manipulate Apple Archives
ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool
ac - connect time accounting
ad - no man page exists
ae - no man page exists

» exitnum

See Also

  • config: Query or define Murex runtime settings
  • man-get-flags: Parses man page files for command line flags
  • murex-docs: Displays the man pages for Murex builtins
  • summary: Defines a summary help text for a command

This document was generated from builtins/core/management/functions_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence Morgan,Laurence