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Laurence MorganAbout 2 minChange Log


This release introduces a number of new builtins, fixes some regression bugs and supercharges the select optional builtin (which I plan to include into the core builtins for non-Windows users in the next release).


  • alter now supports --sum where structures are merged and numeric values are added together

  • New builtin count. This has deprecated len however len will stick around as an alias for backwards compatibility

  • New operators added to let: +=, -=, /=, *=

  • New builtin addheading for adding headings to lists

  • Compiled profile will now always execute even if Murex flags set to ignore the modules/user profile. This is so that aliases like len get set and thus Murex can still move forward with changes to builtins but without breaking backwards compatibility

  • autocomplete now passes ISMETHOD variable to dynamic completions so those dynamic completions are aware if a command requesting auto-completion suggestions is being invoked as a method (mid-pipeline) or function (start of a pipeline)

  • Index, [, now supports inlining element, [[, lookups. eg [ a b [/map/c] ]

  • Dynamic auto-completions that include @IncFiles or @IncDirs will now automatically append files and/or directories to their auto-completion suggestions

  • New autocomplete directives: IncExeAll (like IncExePath but includes builtins, functions, aliases), IncManPage (include results from the man page parser -- usually suppressed when autocomplete config is set)

  • Disabled 'Loading default profile' message -- this was always pretty redundant but now that the compiled profile is being loaded all the time (eg murex -c 'command' or when called in a shebang), it's also now ugly too

  • select now supports passing a file in the FROM syntax. eg select * FROM ./example.csv. The caveat here is this breaks currently auto-complete on column names

  • select now supports multiple tables using either named pipes (eg select * FROM <table1>, <table2>) or variables (eg select * FROM \$table1, \$table2) passed in the FROM syntax. Variables should be escaped and you cannot mix and match between named pipes, file names nor variables. You can use any number of tables from 1 to 2^63-1 (64bit systems) or 1 to 2^31-1 (32bit systems). Which should be more than enough 😉

  • config option for select to define default output data type where multiple tables are imported

  • Lots of new and updated documentation!

Non-user facing changes (internal changes to the Murex code base):

  • open functions can now be called by other functions to take advantage of auto-typing and auto gunzip etc.

  • tmp.Close() should return err. This isn't a bug but it might catch future bugs

  • LazyLogging created to speed up writing tests against data structures

  • utils/List package created to handle list / array / map functions. Also makes testing more complex routines easier

Bug fixes:

  • Regression bug fixed where prepend was invoking append

  • streams.ReadCloser not setting context

  • parameters.StringArray() should copy values instead of a pointer to ensure the underlying parameters are immutable

Published: 12.02.2022 at 16:16

See Also

This document was generated from gen/changelog/v2.5_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence